Day Momo (Des Moments) August 1st-15th
In June, I went to Haiti for the 3rd time, as part of The Caring House Project that builds villages for people in need. The experience was powerful. I wrote about the Higher Calling in Haiti, last month.
Part of the tradition is the option to sleep in the village, and spend personal time with the locals. This year we slept in the village dedicated to a friend, an amazing human being, and part of the Haiti Charity Group; Jordan Guernsey. Jordan is no longer with us in body, but he certainly is with us in spirit, and was even more so that night in the village.
We slept in the town center, a large, open air building. Not many people choose this option because of the heat, and mosquitos. Conditions aren’t the best, but it’s something special that I do every year, I’m humbled to do it. This year, out of the 50 incredible and generous donors within the group, only 6 people (including myself) decided to sleep in the village to keep up the tradition.
2 of our leaders joined us in this sleepover; Frank McKinney, founder of the The Caring House Project, and Yanik Silver, founder of the Mavericks Group, and big supporter of Frank .
The 6 of us handed out solar powered lights to each home, which has no electricity. We also gave glow sticks to the kids. Lots of fun. Afterwards, we gathered in the town center building, and we had mosquitos to fend off, heavy Haitian humid heat to sweat in, and time. Sleep wasn’t coming easy.
We made most of it. We decided to have a round table discussion, where each of us would go around and ask a question about anything, and we all answered. It turned into a 2-3 hour discussion about deep, profound, and enlightening personal topics.
Here are the questions (without our answers), for you to think about:
1. What are your sycro-destiny moments? Yanik Silver brought this term into the conversation. These are moments when synchronicity plays a role in a major turning point, or realization in your life. It could be an eye opening, AH-HA moment conversation with a friend. It could be a chance encounter with someone at the time you needed it most. It might be a event that seemed random, but then played into your destiny, played into your path in life. What are those syncro-destiny stories and moments for you?
2. What are your 2 biggest regrets you’ve had from both sides? – What is one regret for something that you did do, and another regret of something you didn’t do, and wished you did?
3. Where would you like to go in your current field now? What do you envision for your current endeavors?
4. If you can do anything, any dream at all that you think might be fun, that is not in your current field now, what is it? Think outrageous, e.g., become a DJ and perform at European music fests, become acoustic rock star, start a wild outdoor expedition tour group, your dream business, in any field, no limits, etc.
5. What do you believe in or stand for that most other people think is insane or don’t believe in?
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