Final Part: The 7 Life Changing Lessons from 3 Homeless People
1. Let Go of Pride, being Stubborn, and Hard-Headed: Rob is the example here. He was stubborn, and had so much pride and spite, that he was willing to live homelessly. Are you not growing right now because of your pride? Are you not growing because of a grudge you are holding against someone? Let it go, and then your life will start to flow.
2. Time and Connection Are Worth More Than Money: All 3 homeless people needed money, but only one asked me for money. My connection with them, listening and giving them attention, was worth more. It gave them joy and energy. Imagine if we realize this more often, with the ones we interact with everyday. The ones we love.
3. You Can’t Control People or Outside Circumstances:I realized that Frank might not have followed through on the advice I gave him. In fact, probably not. That’s ok. I then realized, I cannot control anyone else. “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make em’ drink,” – as the clichéd line goes. Furthermore, I cannot control what other people think about me, or of me being liked by someone else. We do what we will do, and life will take care of the rest. Understanding that makes life very peaceful.
4. We Are Human beings, The Same Creatures on Earth All Connected: We have that common trait. That puts us on a level playing field. We all are going to die one day. Fact. This is very humbling. This gives the richest man in the World a common ground with a homeless person. As I heard once before, “It doesn’t matter the size of the person’s house, the size of the person’s casket is going to be the same.” Instant perspective. Perspective that will connect me with others and will remind me to live life.
5. Be Open To Signs, Omens, and Coincidences: Sometimes these signs come through the most unlikely of places or people. For me, in this instance, it was 3 homeless people. There are no coincidences. But the key word in this lesson is “open.” All of these conversations would not have taken place unless I was “open” to these chance encounters. If I didn’t accept these situations; if I was shut down, and narrowed minded, well, I would not be writing this.
6. Be Open Not Once, BUT TWICE: There is an extra layer to being open. I had to be open once (the first time) in the present moment, and accept Rob, Frank, and Dee approaching me. That was just the first layer. I realized another opening, another mind portal hours later. In the gym, thinking about the last conversation with Dee. I realized the message. Through pondering, through some reflection and introspection, I had the “ah-ha” moment. Through some mental digging, I mined inspirational, spiritual, and intellectual gold. Be open to the people and the coincidences you come across. Also be open to the underlining messages of those people and coincidences. Yes, underlying messages may be buried beneath an appearance of superficiality or futility. But chances are very good, that there’s more to those coincidences. Make sure you have your shovel with you. Make sure that shovel is carved with the engraving, “Be open not once, but twice.”
7. Believe in Your Work, And Share Your Gift: Dee helped me realized this. She told me I have things to share that can help people. A light when on. I heard a quote once, “Greed is not sharing your gifts with the World.” You never how far your inspired words will go to help someone. You never know how your full attention directed towards someone will brighten his or her spirit. You have gifts. You have talents. You have skills. You have dreams. You have love. To share. You never know how those gifts, talents, skills, dreams, and love will impact someone else. Unless, you share it.