The podcast is called the Tim Ferris Show.
Here’s the link: http://fourhourworkweek.com/blog/
His guest is Derek Sivers. Derek’s website:
Here are my notes from Derek, and the tremendous value he shared. Now, I share them with you.
He is self aware – he knows what works for him. He works alone, and shapes his life around his introverted tendencies.
When asked about creating your utopia, your perfect lifestyle:
Ask if this is in theory, or in practice? Have you proven this from experience? Every idea must be challenged, and argued against. Things seem great in theory, but might not be in reality. Example is someone who lives in the city, and decides to move to the country, and then hates the country.
The smart thing to do is create little tests with an exit plan. Live 3 months in the country, and see if you really like it. Don’t over commit to a lifestyle you haven’t experienced yet.
Also, according to the book, Stumbling on Happiness, ask people who are doing RIGHT NOW, what you want to do. Not someone that did it in the past. This is real feedback for your aspirations.
When asked about his definition of Success:
“Define success by your inner game, not an external, or outside measure.”
Success is about mastering yourself, your mind, and your actions, AND….
There is a second part; part 2 of success is defined by how much you help others.
By this two-part definition, what are the skills and habits of successful people?
1. Managing your state; emotional reactions, and actions.
2. Knowing what people need, and knowing what you need.
3. People skills; know other’s point of view, and communicating from their point of view.
4. Consistent focus, learning, practice, and applying what you learn.
When asked what he would you do if you lost everything, and only had $1000 to his name:
“Having millions of dollars gives security, but in my daily life, I’m not using that money. My life is not all that different with or without money.”
What makes him happy: “A quiet place to live, a working laptop, access to books, money for food, 2 good friends, and my good health. Everything past that is bullshit.”
So what would he do with only $1000 to his name: “I would get any old job for money, and then I would do what I normally do. I would be thinking, learning, writing, thriving, and sharing what I learned. I would continue to focus, learn, and practice.
When asked about things that he believes that most others wouldn’t believe or think is insane:
“It’s unwise to prioritize lifestyle design, because it’s dangerously self-centered. You are rewarded most in life for keeping your focus on being useful to others.”
“Live in a new place in the World, every 6 months.”
Great stuff Derek, thank you!!
-Joseph Metcalfe