Monday night. It’s hot and sticky. Early September in Miami. I finished up my work for the day. I was ready for a long run. Time to let go of all the insignificant stresses of the day, and just sweat.
I ran 5 miles through the live oak trees of Coconut Grove. I listened to music. I meditated as I ran. I thought about my travels around the world in 1 month.
I reached the yoga studio 30 minutes before the 7:45 class.
I received a phone call from my accountant, Jimmy. We talked about my 2015 taxes. After tax talk, we discussed my travel plans. He was excited for me, and he reminisced about his hiking adventures on the Appalachian Trail.
He invited me to be a guest at his vacation home in Georgia. I could use the house as a launch pad if I decided to hike the trail. It was a incredible gesture. I’m grateful for Jimmy for this invitation, as well as all the tax work he’s done for me.
He also mentioned a new movie in theaters. A Walk In The Woods, with Robert Redford and Nick Nolte. It’s about 2 friends getting a little older who wanted to escape their daily routines. To be in nature, and experience an adventure. Their mission was to walk the entire Appalachian Trail, from Georgia to Maine.
I never heard of this movie before Jimmy told me about it…
I walked into my Yoga studio for part 2 of my work out.
Aside from the physical benefits of Yoga, I also enjoy the universal and spiritual messages provided by some yoga instructors.
My instructor talked about an essence, and how there are many names for this essence. This essence can be called energy, higher intelligence, cosmic power, spirit, or God. This indescribable “something,” which is the universe, no matter what you name it, is also within us.
This resonated with me. It gave me a feeling of inner peace.
Class finished. I felt energy within and around me. You can’t describe it with words. You can only feel it.
I am ready for my long run back home, another 5 miles.
Suddenly, the rain came.
September in Miami equals rain at any moment. And this moment was torrential. It didn’t stop. I wasn’t running for another 5 miles.
I sprinted to a town center with shops to protect myself from the onslaught.
I found a seat. I just sat there for a few minutes. I watched the rain.
I’m looking down on the sidewalk. A $20 bill floats in front of me, just above the soaking wet sidewalk. I grab it, and smirk at the good fortune of finding a $20 bill.
I had no cash, or credit cards on me.
I then thought to myself, there is a movie theater in this town center. Let me see what’s playing, just for the hek of it. It’s late. It’s Monday, but maybe something is playing. It’s raining, and I’m not going anywhere.
I check my phone for movie times. There was only 1 movie available to see. All the others were already in progress.
The one movie available: A Walk In The Woods, 9:30pm.
Wait a second.
2 hours ago I heard about this movie for the first time from Jimmy after we talked about travel. It starts pouring rain. I sprinted to the town center to stay dry. I found a $20 bill. Then I check the movie listings. A Walk in The Woods is starting in 5 minutes from when I checked my phone!
It all fell into perfect place. It was meant to be to watch this movie on that night. I was starting my trip around the World in 1 month.
I took that $20 bill and walked into the movie theater soaking wet. I bought a $10 ticket, and a chicken caesar wrap for another $10. The $20 was just enough for the ticket and dinner.
Even more, I walked in, and the entire theater was empty! I’m the only one watching. No one else in there. Not one! I had my own personal VIP showing of the movie that night. I laughed that I didn’t have to put my phone on vibrant before the movie started.
I was aware of the good energy I was feeling after running and yoga. I thought about the mystery of the Universe, and how it’s made up of the same stuff within us.
I then realized the Universe (God) was expressing and reflecting this energy back to me through those chance coincidences.
There are signs and messages all the time, but we can only see them if we are open to it.
It’s serendipity. It’s a conversation with someone. It’s a coincidence. It’s knowing it’s not a coincidence. It’s a floating $20 bill. It’s the perfect movie, at the perfect time.