I walk among the masses. I wonder about success. I wonder what it means. I see the musician playing on the streets. I see the businesswoman walking through the crowd. I reflect on what success meant to me in my 20’s.
It meant winning in business. Showing people I made money. Owning real estate. Impressing people. Being able to take care of myself financially. Helping others through some of my good fortune and the fruits of my labor.
A year ago I made some big changes. I left my job that was paying six figures per year. I sold my car, my furniture and most of my possessions. I started traveling and backpacking around the world.
My idea of success also started changing. I now question this elusive meaning. I question all the stereotypes broadcasted into our minds every day, every hour.
I wondered what other New Yorkers thought. So I asked 20 random people through a conversation at a café, restaurant, or bar over the last month.
Kate, China, living in New York – “Success is doing what I should be doing based on my college degree.”
Ronnie, New York – “Success is paying all my bills and taking care of my family.”
Cody, New York – “Success is living my life without limitations.”
Anna Lisa, New York – “Success is happiness.”
Nicola, From France, visiting New York – “Success is being happy and enjoying everyday. In New York you can get caught up in material things, but that will never make you happy.”
Denise, From France, visiting New York – “Success is about being happy, and sharing and enjoying time with the people you love and care about.”
2 couples from Germany, visiting New York:
Girl #1 – “Success is achieving my dreams.”
Guy #1 – “Success is achieving the goals I set for myself.”
Girl #2 – “Success is being happy with what I have right now.”
Guy #2 – “Success is happiness.”
Ray, New York – “Success is getting into the Hollywood Writer’s Guild.”
John, Australia, living in New York – “Success is controlling your own destiny.”
Dave, New York – “Success is being able to survive and keep up with a capitalistic society.”
Jake, Canada, living in New York – “Success is going on your journey. Enjoying the process towards an end goal, but the process is what’s important.”
Luis, Oregon, living in New York – “Success is leaving a mark on someone else and to help them get better in their lives.”
Alexandra, New Jersey, visiting New York – “Success is about being happy and grateful. It’s also having the drive to reach your full potential. It’s a balance. Appreciate life now. Then, mix in connecting with and helping others, while pursuing your dreams and making the changes you want.”
Jan, Switzerland, living in New York – “Success is doing what you are meant to do. I respect and admire people who work towards their calling and what they enjoy. Also, a successful life is about feeling alive.”
David, U.K., living in New York – “Success is going after and hitting a high milestone. Each person’s milestone is different. Ultimately it comes down to what you enjoy.”
Caitlin, California, living in New York – “Success is sustaining myself through my art.”
Remo, New York – “A successful person is a respectful person.”
Different answers with common threads. It’s refreshing reminder. Success is personal. No one else determines it. Only you do. It can change too. Mine did.
Success changed to an inside game for me. More inner peace. Less stress. Less external expectations. To invest in days that make me feel good. To feel grateful everyday. To continue to help others in small ways.
Balance is vital, like Alexandra said. Present moment gratitude, along with pursing dreams and striving to get a little better each day. This balance hits a sweet spot for me.
All of these answers gave me a deeper perspective. They made me question more of myself and my values. They helped me realize there is no wrong answer. Only my answer.
To those I’ve shared this conversation with, thank you.
You are all successful.
I am surprised that no one mentioned being a parent. Perhaps they had no children, but I measure my personal success through my 3 children. If they are healthy and happy and are good people living a Christian life, then I have achieved great success.