July 16th – New York City
Taking the bus into the city. Continuing to listen to the book, “The Truth,” on relationships. Love the realization by author, Neil Strauss:
“I used to think that intelligence came from books and knowledge and rational thought. But that’s not intelligence. It’s just information and interpretation. Real intelligence is when your mind and your heart connect. That’s when you see the truth so clearly and unmistakably that you don’t have to think about it. In fact, all thinking will do is take you away from the truth.”
July 17th – New York City
I’m reading a random blog Q&A on Quroa. I read the statement and question: I can’t make sense of the spiritual claim that we are all one-awareness. Am I missing something? I didn’t answer this question, to hell if I know. But this came to mind, an old zen master once said, referring to all aspects and forms of life: “Not the same, but not another.” Thinking deeply on that.
July 18th – New Jersey
The universal structure of a story telling is this: Hook, build, payoff. It’s in movies, books, it’s in sales pitches, it’s when you’re on a date. It’s in presentations, school projects and book reports. Always trying to remember this in my creativity.
July 19th – New York City
Thinking about what Niall Doherty said in his “momentos” (which inspired my “Des Moments”) about building versus maintaining. Building is hard, maintaining is easy. It’s hard to get a six pack of abs, but when you have it, it’s fairly easy to keep it. Same goes for building a business or new skill. Get through the hard, to get to the easy. Maintain.
July 20th – New Jersey
The instinctual need for two things: variety and family. This is the contradictory thing that keeps killing Neil in his relationship book, “The Truth.” He’s trying to change. He’s trying to no longer to be a “love-avoidant” or an “intimacy- avoidant.” I’m trying to as well.
July 21st – New Jersey
I have lived for 1,776 weeks so far. Base on life expectancy I only have 2,280 weeks left. And that is certainly not guaranteed. What are doing this week, Joe? Who are you being? What are you feeling? What are you aware of?
July 22nd – New Jersey
Free from regret, free from worry. This is my ultimate target. I strive for this. Yet, how can you hit a target that is inside of you? That’s the problem with having a target.
July 23rd – New York City
I have an itch to play poker. I played in a tournament in Jersey a few nights ago. I took 2nd place out of 22 guys. I read a book on poker the night before. I want to play more.
July 24th – New York City
My flight to Miami cancelled because of weather. An extra night in NYC. Rented an Airbnb in the East Village. Went to a bar across the street to have a beer. I order a beer, chat to the guy next to me. He’s a literary agent for writers. Serendipity. Nothing may come from this connection, nor am I’m looking for something out of it. The point is, sometimes when you let go of external things not going your way (e.g. a cancelled flight), good or better things may unfold.
July 25th – Miami
There is a book by Seth Godin called the Dip, premise:
It’s okay to quit if you’re not feeling a path is working, but being able to quit quickly is they key. The other key is figuring out the thing you really want to stick with. The flow or rhythm, Godin says, to beginning new vision/business/project: First phase is beginners luck. You get a rush of business, a lucky streak, and then….. The Dip. Life/business/relationships/
July 26th – Miami
Spoke to kids at Genesis Hopeful Haven, a foster care program that is changing lives. These kids are strong, they’re bright. They have the biggest hearts in the world. They inspire me. They inspire me to never complain. To pursue my work and the opportunities given to me. To be compassionate and kind as often as I can.
July 27th – Miami
What’s your relationship with the present moment? Are you treating the present moment as a friend? Or an obstacle, just a means to some end (some future time, place or circumstance)? Or even worse is the present moment and current circumstance an enemy? Constant question I ask myself. If I’m not treating the present moment as a friend, I’m resisting life. I’m saying no to life. Tough way to live.
July 28th – Miami
The more I read this Neil Strauss relationship book, the more I think we’re all adults, but inside we’re dealing with our own unique, wounded inner child in our own unique way.
July 29th – Miami
No matter what you believe about after-life, karma and past lives are fascinating to think about. I learn a little about it in India. So it goes that if you meet someone in this life, it’s because there is an “account” to be closed in a past life with that person in some way (love, friendship, financial, etc). Last week a crow kept crowing at me and flew past me violently and brushed my arm, then did the same thing again. I thought to myself I must have done something not so pleasant to that crow in a past life.
July 30th – Miami
Played poker twice now in Miami over the past week. Won money the first night. Lost money the second night. The highs and the lows of the game of poker. The highs and the lows of the game of life.
July 31st – Miami
Haven’t been the healthiest with my habits lately. I’m starting a 18 day challenge (inspired by my friend Yanik): No potato chips, no doritos, no french fries, no deep fried food, no fast food, no cookies, no candy, no ice cream.