3. Don’t Do Things For Social Prestige, Other People’s Approval, or Only Money
I don’t like bungee jumping, yet I did it. I won’t be doing it again. At least I won’t be doing it frequently.
The reason I did it was because my friend encouraged me, and I wanted to have an exhilarating experience. I knew I would face and overcome a fear, and I was interested in feeling those emotions.
Having said that, there was also another reason.
I wanted to tell people I did bungee. Telling people, in a way, was more appealing to me than actually going bungee.
That’s the wrong reason to go bungee jumping. Yeah, it’s fun to brag a little bit to your friends about doing something wild.
Even so, it’s still the wrong reason.
And this is more prevalent and important to realize in everyday life.
Doing things for social prestige is the wrong reason to do that thing. Being in a job for someone else’s approval is the wrong reason to be in that job. Being in a job ONLY for money, or to chase money is the wrong reason to be in that job.
I didn’t say working for money is a bad thing. I’m saying to only work for money, or to chase money, will get old real quick. I assure you that.
Working cannot only be about the fruits (money, social prestige, recognition, etc).
It also has to be about enjoying what you do by following your bliss. This is what’s it important. That bliss can also be about believing so much in what matters in your life, e.g., for family, or for a cause bigger than yourself.
These are the “how” you do things. “How” you do things on a daily basis that will cause the fruits to be the effect of your actions.
The money will follow someone who is following her bliss. The social recognition will follow someone who commits to a cause more important than himself.
When she follows her bliss, or her cause, or her passion; she gets lost in her work. And the fruits no longer matter.
Ironically, those people get the fruits (money, status, recognitions), anyway. The fruits are a byproduct. The fruits are a natural result for someone who works without thinking of fruits.
Remember to not put all your attention on the fruits.
Don’t bungee jump because you want to impress your friends. Bungee jump because you want to feel the rush and overcome the fear.