Here are five books I highly recommend for spiritual and personal development. None of them are centered around 1 major religion, but more about spiritual teachings through very entertaining stories, and examples.
1. Siddhartha – by Herman Hesse
This is a great book. A short novel about a man’s search to find peace and enlightenment. During his search, he goes through all forms and walks of life. Extreme highs, and lows during his travels, in which he yearns and seeks for the elusive enlightenment
2. The Alchemist – by Paulo Coelho
This is another incredible novel, and is also a very short read. It has many similarities to Siddhartha. It’s about a young boy traveling to follow his dream of finding a treasure. During his travel, he learns about his own life, the people involved in his life, and the coincidences and omens that occur in his life for a reason.
3. The Power of Now – by Eckhart Tolle
I cannot explain this one in words, but I can highly recommend it. This is a non-fiction book how to become present. How to truly become present. The main presence of the book is to help you realize the difference between the thoughts and emotions we have on a daily basis, with the awareness behind those thoughts and emotions.
4. A New Earth – Awaking to Your Life’s Purpose – by Eckhart Tolle
This book emphasizes the same message in The Power of Now, and may be a little bit of an easier read.
5. Tao Te Ching – by Lao Tzu translated and reframed by Stephen Mitchell
The Tao Te Ching was written over 2600 years ago in the 6th century BC by the sage and philosopher Lao Tzu. It’s alls about letting life flow in your favor by letting things go, and releasing all attachment, among many other messages. Stephen Mitchell has reframed it, so the passages, poems, and writings are easier to interpret. It’s a very short book and fun and insightful read!
Let me know your thoughts on the books!!
Joseph Metcalfe-
Thanks Joe, I’ve heard of a few of the books that you recommend for reading, especially “The Power of Now.” I will be picking that up very soon.